
React is For Designers

React is a powerful design tool. There's a lot you can do with React that would be difficult with a traditional design application. Prototyping with realistic data sets, creating complex interactions and shared component libraries are just the tip of the iceberg. React opens up new ways of designing interfaces and the systems that support them. There's a lot of good information out there on how to learn React. If you're looking to get started, here are my two cents:

1. Scaffold a project and build something simple

Avoid any method of learning React that doesn't have you spending most of your time coding. Manual setup and configuration of React projects can stop you from ever getting started. I would use create-react-app to scaffold your projects at first. You don't need to create an entire web app. Try building small design components with multiple states, slimmed down design systems, or simple data visualizations.

2. Read the React docs all the way through

The React documentation isn't that long, and it shouldn't take more the 2 hours to read it all. Read it once, all the way through. Don't worry if you don't understand what everything means. It's good to have a high level overview of what react is doing and what types of things are in the library. You can pick up React faster than you think. Find someone who knows React and ask them lots of questions.